Saturday, January 28, 2006
(un)serious listening?
According to researchers, the trend in modern life to make a commodity of music (portable MP3s, often downloaded for free, music as ringtones, here-today-gone-tomorrow culture) is creating apathy amongst listeners; people don't get excited about music anymore, they say.
Whilst this may have some validity, the number of listener passionately sharing their views in blogs, in customer reviews at online stores, and on dedicated fansites (to name just a few) suggests music is still held in high regard. Some people even need special clothes these days to accommodate their lust for music.
The download culture is having an impact on the buying of albums (many prefer to get just the songs they like via download), however. Those that moan about this may like to reflect on the healthiness of the singles culture of the 50s and 60s. Also, downloads don't necessarily equal the demise of the album: long unavailable material is becoming available again thanks to the low overheads and wide potential audience of digital distribution.
Whilst this may have some validity, the number of listener passionately sharing their views in blogs, in customer reviews at online stores, and on dedicated fansites (to name just a few) suggests music is still held in high regard. Some people even need special clothes these days to accommodate their lust for music.
The download culture is having an impact on the buying of albums (many prefer to get just the songs they like via download), however. Those that moan about this may like to reflect on the healthiness of the singles culture of the 50s and 60s. Also, downloads don't necessarily equal the demise of the album: long unavailable material is becoming available again thanks to the low overheads and wide potential audience of digital distribution.
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