Friday, May 26, 2006

Media literacy

It's worth taking a wider look at why you're studying new media in the first place:

The culture secretary, Tessa Jowell, has frequently referred to the challenge of equipping people to handle an ever-wider array of media sources as one of the most pressing facing society. "I do not exaggerate when I say that media literacy in its widest sense is as important to our development as was universal literacy in the 19th century," she said this year. "Then, the written word was the only passport to knowledge. Now, there are many more. And the most insidious digital divide is between those equipped to understand that and those who aren't."

Whilst we may treat the comments of politicians with suspicion, you'll surely agree with Tessa Jowell after studying new media for the past six months. Literacy in a digital world means more than just words. Read the full article, linked below, or risk being media-illiterate!

Studying the media is the future, especially if you're a girl. Boys, you're restricted to fiddling with videogames.

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